Thursday, 25 November 2010

Day 4 - The Orphanage

5.30am... we wake up to go to the orphanage.... we don't even shower... we all climb out of bed, throw on yesterday's clothes, rub our eyes and head out the door.... the walk to the orphanage involves mastering sleep walking over rocks, holes in the ground, dodging chickens, ducks and goats (including lots of baby animals) and even some lizards, hugging the neighbours kids as the bolt out of the garden towards us, waving to every local we pass and saying good morning and then waking up completely as we walk through the doors to the orphanage... the kids come running.. usually naked or half dressed with snotty noses... some are happy to see us others want us to rescue them from having a wash..... we then say good morning to them all and help with their washes, brushing their teeth, finding their clothes and dressing them, finding shoes, wiping never ending runny noses (although Ma Margaret is particularly good at doing this without tissues.. i will try and explain further in another post!) and then dishing out their breakfast (which is usually some kind of porridge which looks like gruel and a slice of mouldy bread)... we then have the difficult task of trying to get them all out the door to school which is about a 7 minute walk away....there are usually tantrums... some kid saying they don't want to go, they have tummy ache, they have lost their uniform and a whole heap of other excuses and we eventually manage to get them all to school (some usually kicking and screaming). We then go home to shower and eat breakfast and spend the morning doing our laundry, going online, going shopping for bits for the orphanage etc.... after lunch at 1pm we head back to the orphanage for around 2.30pm to meet with the kids coming home from school.... we then spend the afternoon playing with them and taking care of time on the internet is running out and the others are waiting to leave so I will have to end this post here. I've not been able to get photos up yet but I am hoping to soon. I will try and come back for longer soon and fill you in some more... I can't extend my time online today as it's busy and there is a queue waiting.must be because it's thanksgiving today.. lots of oberoni's waiting to talk to home...

Talk to you all again soon :)

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