Monday, 29 March 2010

246 days

So... there are 246 days until I turn THIRTY..... ouch!!.. Where have the years gone.. time has flown by and I didn't even notice!... now's the time to start thinking about the future and settling down and being a real adult as opposed to pretending to be an adult.. no more excuses... no sir... time to grow up for sure!... so what have I got to show for my 30 years on this planet??? Hmm....

Now... what should I do to 'celebrate' turning 30? The usual obligatory drinking and waking up hungover in the morning? That doesn't sound very grown up to me! No.. I want to do something different.. something meaningful... something worthwhile... I want to give back and be thankful for my 30 years of a western upbringing... are you listening carefully?... This is where you come in...

I would like to volunteer abroad at an orphanage for 2-3 weeks... I have found a program I would like to participate in but I need to raise enough money to do so. As you may know, I have not exactly been flush this past year after being made redundant etc so I am hoping to raise enough money to take part in this program and do something to help these children whilst learning and having a memorable 30th birthday.

So, instead of the birthday party or dinner I would have had I will hopefully be abroad assisting with caring for children at an orphanage. With it being the big 3 0 I would like to raise a figure to include that number so I am setting a target of £330 to start with...this covers the cost of the program but not the travel to get there... but if I exceed £330 then I will set a new target (maybe £3330!!!!).. this is where I need your help. Those of you that would have maybe bought me a gift or a drink or joined me for dinner in November please donate whatever you would have spent that night to this appeal instead. For those that wouldn't have done any of that, please donate anyway... the more I can raise the better! If I raise more than I need to participate in the program then I will donate the extra to the orphanage to buy supplies etc.

I know it's a difficult time for everyone with the recession etc but just think about your spending....If you usually have 5 pints on a friday night have 4 instead this week and donate the cost of 1 pint.... or if you treat yourself to a chocolate bar each week miss a week... not only will you be helping me achieve my goal and help these kids but you will be helping your figure also :) Whatever you can give be it 30 pence or £30... every little helps! I only have a few months to reach this target and am grateful for any help you can give.

Please either send me a cheque (email for my address) or a paypal gift payment to

I will use this blog to update you on my progress and to fill you in on my experience once I'm out at the orphanage.

Thanks in advance everyone... a little goes a long way :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I think this is a terrific idea and I am glad to offer a little support. Well done you for actually doing something to help, rather than just feeling sorry for others.

All good wishes and good luck!


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