There are just 85 days left until I turn 30 and just 68 days until I fly out to Ghana for my volunteering.... I am getting slightly nervous now but more nervous about not being organised.... time has flown by and it's been a busy few months personally so I don't really feel all that prepared yet. I am still off sick from work (it's been 9 weeks!!!) but I should be back at work next week hopefully and can pick up my collection tins from the staff room!
I haven't had any donations since the last post, although the cheque from ' Love it' magazine did arrive (see picture for the article).
I also booked my flight (paid for personally by me not from donations) with KLM. I am hoping the next few weeks before I go will bring in some more donations and provide a sizeable donation for the orphanage.. here's hoping :)
I have made a short video on Youtube using some photos borrowed from previous Ghana volunteers (Nicole Anzelone and Samantha Leathers.. thanks girls) so hopefully that will also get people donating. The link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_nP1P1DAG8
I am very grateful to all who have donated so far. For those that still want to help, if you are unable to donate money right now I will also be taking some things with me like pens, pencils etc for the children...maybe when you are out getting the kids back to school stuff you can pop an extra one in your basket and donate it. Email me for my address to send items to. My luggage is limited so nothing too heavy or bulky though.
I will spend the next few weeks fundraising and preparing myself for the trip. I still need to have my yellow fever injection and get my visa and work out everything I need to take and how much space I'll have. I'm getting excited as it gets closer but I'm also nervous about it all having never done this before. I'm sure it'll go well but it will be emotional.
Well I better get on. Do check out the video and share it if you like and please please keep donations coming in.
Thanks all and have a lovely day :)